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What Is FBR?

Presenting the planet’s most trusted
and experienced animal research champions

These nonprofits have worked together doggedly for decades to educate our nation’s lawmakers and citizens about the vital role of laboratory animals in scientific and medical research.


Once upon a time, America’s research institutions (and the scientists working in them) feared acts of violent reprisal and physical harm by animal rights extremists. Today that’s a distant memory thanks to the passage in 2006 of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), a federal law that prohibits such behavior.

The list of legislative activities by NABR is impressive. Without question, we’re most proud of the key part we played in the enactment of this law.

Our raison d'être

NABR is determined to ensure rational public policy regarding the use of animals in medical and scientific research. Some key ways we do this include:

  • providing information to constituents and congressional staff, encouraging supportive legislation, providing comments on pending proposals and testifying at congressional hearings.
  • monitoring, analyzing and interpreting legislation or regulations dealing with research animals at federal and state levels.
  • advising member institutions on crisis and issue management and helping develop crisis management strategy.
  • offering individual consultations on a variety of subjects including responding to animal rights campaigns and addressing congressional, public, and media inquiries, plus initiating proactive strategies.
  • maintaining a members-only website with information and narrative summaries off limits to the general public.


Go online and do a search for the first ever advertising campaign supporting research on animals. With a little patience and luck, you’ll find a New York Times article about how FBR became “the voice of the biomedical research community.”

Today FBR’s voice is stronger and louder than ever thanks in part to our current campaign, “Love Animals? Support Animal Research.” (Please Google that too.) Visit to see what else we are up to.

Our raison d'être

FBR is dedicated to increasing public understanding of and support for the humane and responsible use of animals in medical and scientific research. Some key ways we do this include:

  • generating a steady stream of high quality paid, owned and earned media to engage and educate journalists, teachers, students and the general public.
  • being of service to the media as an accessible, reliable source and connecting journalists with media trained scientists to generate positive news coverage.
  • providing customized marketing communication materials, advice and support to the scientific community and state affiliates.
  • coordinating activities and statements with research institutions, medical societies, corporations, patient groups and other biomedical research stakeholders.