SfN's webinar on "How to Prepare for, Defend Against, and Recover from Animal Rights Oppositional Efforts"
The Society for Neuroscience hosted a webinar on "How to Prepare for, Defend Against, and Recover from Animal Rights Oppositional Efforts", which included moderator and Chair of SfN’s Animals in Research Committee Katalin Gothard, MD, PhD and panelists Eric Nestler, MD, PhD, Sharon Juliano, PhD, and Matthew Bailey, President of the National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR) and the Foundation for Biomedical Research (FBR).
"Mr. Bailey addressed the question many scientists who find themselves in this position ask – why me? " He also "urged scientists to routinely reach out to local legislators about the importance of the work they are doing, noting they can do so using electronic services provided by SfN’s Advocacy Action Center and other organizations who offer similar services."
Visit SfN’s Advocacy Action Center: https://www.sfn.org/advocacy/advocacy-network/advocacy-action-center
For more information visit : https://neuronline.sfn.org/advocacy/be-prepared-to-defend-against-animal-rights-oppositional-efforts