RSVP for NABR's April 2022 Webinar: Selected Events in the Evolution of the Ethics and Regulation of Research Involving Animals
Please join us on April 5, 2022, at 12:30 EDT, when guest speaker Dr. Ernie Prentice discusses “Selected Events in the Evolution of the Ethics and Regulation of Research Involving Animals”
The evolution of the ethics and regulation of research involving animals has a rich and interesting history, filled with many drivers of change. This presentation will focus on selected key events including: the Thalidomide tragedy in the 1960s; the first cardiac transplant in a human in 1964; the genesis of the 1966 Laboratory Animal Welfare Act; the beginning of the modern era of the animal rights movement in 1981; high profile break-ins at institutions by animal activists in the 1980s; the first, and only, cardiac xenograft in a neonate in 1984; the 1985 Amendment of the Animal Welfare Act marking the birth of IACUCs; and, finally, the rebirth of xenotransplantation in the 1990s, which was primarily halted because of concerns about both ethics and zoonoses, but has recently gained attention with the recent transplant of a heart from a genetically engineered pig into a terminally ill man.
So please join us for what promises to be a very interesting and informative presentation on selected events in biomedical research that helped shape the environment in which we work today.
Questions should be submitted in advance to [email protected]. They will be reviewed and formatted to prevent duplication and will be answered in the order they are received, so please submit them as soon as possible. As in the past, we will schedule the session for an hour but will continue the webinar until all questions have been addressed.
Reminder: Access to Webinars are a NABR member only service. With NABR membership, your institution will receive unlimited complimentary access to our quarterly webinars along with a host of other services and educational opportunities.
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